Old Walls - New Ideas
Most American art institutions are limited and ultimately defined by the market they depend on. Commercial galleries must dismiss work that will not sell. Institutions funded by philanthropy must exclude work that disturbs the wealth of their donors. Even artist run co-ops must sell work and collect dues to pay the rent on their exhibition space.
Commission funded galleries also force artists to price their work too high to sell to regular people, because the gallery typically takes at least 50% of the sales.
Old Walls Gallery aims to rise above these restrictions.
Our unique model depends only on our labor and exhibition entry fees to fund operations. This freedom allows us to show artwork that other galleries cannot. Emerging experimental work, art that is just fun for its own sake, beauty, wonder, and even unedited radically critical work have a home here.
Our structure allows us to take a 0-20% commission, allowing artists, especially emerging artists, to price their work to sell. This allows artists to maintain reasonable prices while making sales.
At OWG artists can sell work to thier peers,
not just collectors.
OWG is more than anti-capitalist, we are post-capitalist.
This doesn’t mean we only show crazy leftist art,
it means we are free to show all art, any art…
your art.
Reach out to us, we look forward to working with you!
Old Walls Gallery is a safe and inclusive space.
Bigotry will not be tolerated.
Old Walls Gallery hope for a post-social media world:
Social media creates a disillusioned portrayal of life. Immediately when something is posted on these platforms, even under the best intentions, it cheapens the real life experience. OWG is founded on an authenticity of feeling all that life has to offer, and we invite it's visitors to observe the beautiful liminal space it provides in real time. You can learn about OWG through this website, word of mouth, our email newsletter, community presence, and the belief that we can still find out about amazing and cool things outside of social media telling us about it first.