What does it mean to make art at a time when govt, media, industry, the platforms we use to connect, and even mainstream art institutions, are dominated by the very rich? Old Walls Gallery invites artists to explore these questions in our upcoming show Art the Rich:
- Who are these billionaires and their allies?
- How did they get so rich?
- Why do they control so much of our experience?
- What are the consequences?
- What can we do about it?
OWG is a fully independent gallery. It is not bound by donors, boards, deliverables, or landlords. Our space is the place to ask hard questions and find radical creative answers.
As artists we must RISE UP to challenge the takeover of culture by the very rich, use our creativity against oligarchy and our artistic processes to IMAGINE a better future!
The deconstructive dialectic has lead us, inexorably, to this point. The avant-garde must deconstruct the rich who have captured us. Or we artists will just keep adorning the dinner table of power which holds us hostage…
Waiting for another Rennai$$ance.
When artists have nothing left to make,
they will art the rich.
Submit work by April 18th
1. Pay the submission fee ($30 for up to 3 images) here.
2. Send us an email at submissions@oldwallsgallery.com
- with the exhibition title in the subject line
- including your images as attachments
- provide title, media, and price for each art work
Image submission fees are our primary source of revenue.
They help fund our operations and promote independent art & exhibitions.
If these fees are a barrier to entry, please reach out to us.
Please note that any submissions that do not have an accompanying payment will not be reviewed or considered.
Jean Jacques Rousseau’s and Adrien Rich‘s ideas helped inspire this webpage.